Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Refuge

Even though I have about 12 different posts half-written...I gotta just share what's on my heart tonight.

1) I am so thankful to have been raised in my family. Adoption is this crazy beautiful mess. And I am so privileged to be hand-picked for my family. My parents lived for God's Word. And they took every opportunity (even discipline) to have us memorize those precious truths in our hearts. And watching my sweet Grammy...every. single. night. Soaking in God's words...reading and finding new things and making sure I knew that once I finish, read it again and again and again. And that God will continue to mold me through life. And that at 68, 74, and even 80, God is not done molding her.

All this to say - as I had some pretty hard "life" things slammed in my face today, my response was not of anxiety, even though these things tend to cause that. Instead, it was to take immediate refuge. Refuge in the One who holds my tomorrow....and the tomorrows of those I love.

This scripture came to mind immediately. Immediately. Which is why I've just been so thankful for the Word planted in early on in my life. {And also why I cherish my job - I have this awesome opportunity to plant those same words and truths into almost 100 hearts each week between the daycare and church kidlets...what a blessing!}

2) Refuge. Defined by Webster as a "condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble;" "a place that provides safety or shelter." And more. But that's good. Because I have it. In the arms of my Creator...the One who gave His life for me. He's got this...so I don't have to. I must take refuge...knowing that He's my strength. And move on from day to day and even moment to moment as needed..

3) Randomly, extra thankful for the Piano Guys and their amazing Pandora station. Need your heart to find calm? Listen. Read the Word...and listen this music...Best.Stuff.Ever. Seriously. It also helps me focus, which may or may not be completely unrelated.

Though I don't do this often, I do request your prayer during this time. Without giving too many details, our family is just going through some dark days, but my hope is in Christ alone and the beautiful gift of eternal life.


  1. I love reading your blog, I love being friends with you on Facebook. I will certainly pray for you in the days ahead!

    1. I am encouraged by you many times. I ditto all of the above. And I thank you for your prayers. :) God is good.

  2. Thanks for the reminder!!! I needed to read those words today too!!! Prayers your way!!!

    1. Thanks, Rhonda. You're so sweet. <3 I'm praying for you and yours, too, knowing these days are hard on your end, too.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. God is so Good! And when I am standing with my hands in my hair and want to scream, He is right there saying, " Child I've got this, come into my arms I will hold you and comfort you. Listen to Me" Hope stuff is better soon! Prayers.

  4. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. Whatever it is He is enough!
