Monday, May 9, 2016

The Other Mother

I think of her today. A lot. Both of hers. All three of hers.

She's probably missing them...these kids I have the blessing of loving day to day. She probably wonders about them most days, but I suppose Mother's Day is difficult for her to face. She can't escape this holiday. It's everywhere...swirling all around.

And I'm sure swirling with all the flowery praises we all give our moms, she drowns in shame that she is not there beside her (amazing) children. She wonders where they are, what they're doing...who they are. 

I assure you, sweet birth momma(s)...they are amazing. They are sure, happy, and stubborn. They are well. They are talented and funny. They are bright and have many dreams. They are loved. Through and through. By so many.  

And I also assure you that they're thinking about you on this Mother's Day. I know this because we've talked about you today. I have made sure they know that this mom is grateful for you. I even think and wonder about my own birth mom on Mother's Day. And though I've never asked her, I'm sure I cross her mind on this day. 

You are not forgotten, birth mommas. We  hope and pray that you know this...that you rest in this. And please know that this quote rings true in my heart and life. 


From one mother to the other mother: our kids need both of us. And you are not forgotten. 


  1. you are such a great mom and deserve the kids you have, thank you for coming into my bestfriends life and making her dream come true to have a family that loves her a great family at that and I love you so much for doing everything you do thanks for being a great mom 💖

  2. Well said (I write with tears in my eyes).

    1. Thanks! I appreciate that you read my thoughts! :) Thanks for being such a great support for me!

  3. This post is as beautiful as you are. A woman after God's heart, who conveys that to her children every single day.

  4. Oh, I assure you they're thinking about us. And one day I will be brave enough to ask my BM. There's no way she can forget our birthdays either. We are loved and not forgotten all the way around! <3
