Friday, May 25, 2012

The last time...

Have you read this book?

It's a book for mommas disguised as a kid's book.

Anyway, bring your tissues if you ever plan to read it, but just know that. It's quite thought provoking while it's at it, too.

I know I've already missed several "lasts," but I sure am more conscious of it now...or at least I try to be. Last night, after several days in a row of Baby R not wanting to snuggle with her last bottle of the day, I lost it. {poor Mr} I lost it good.

I cried. I whined. I stomped my foot. I was unreasonable. I ended up hyperventilating and almost collapsing. All because Baby R was maybe growing out of the snuggle phase and I couldn't remember the last time...

So this, my friends, is a gift.

And I cherished every single second of it...For if this was the last snuggle {God forbid}, this momma will have each breath felt, each love whispered, and each song hummed etched forevermore...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Things I Learned Today...

I love when I get a chance to think about what's going on around me. Too often, I am just checking off items on my ever-present "list." Here are the things I have learned today...

1) "Easy Install" never means "easy install." Literally. My husband has done a fabulous job putting in our new screen door, but I must say (and I'm sure he would agree) it hasn't been easy. {Then again, "things" in life that are really worth something never really are easy, are they?} But it looks fantastic, and I just knew he could do it! He did a great job, and we saved mucho moola by putting it up himself! {pics to come}

2) Planting flowers/de-weeding is {gasp} fun for me! We did no landscaping last summer, so I can't really remember much about the 2 summers before, but I certainly don't remember enjoying it. 2 hours has left me tired, dirty, smelly, sweaty, and energized. Hoping to start "making time" for this type of work in the future b/c I sure do enjoy it. {Little D, not so much...} Pictures to come....

3) You can't MAKE  dog want to be outside. Yup, the pup is getting quite lazy in his old age. His 4 years have been rough on him, but we put him out with us, and he immediately wanted to come in! What about quality family time?! I really thought he'd wanna be out there with us. Oh well...

(Seriously....this is what my dog does 90% of the time...)

4) Sometimes playing with Wikistiks is just the WAY to go. We needed to cool off from outside and found ourselves doing this. I must show off our incredible talent! Dman is so proud of his window {which is also an elephant}, and who doesn't love a pretty flower now & again?

Anyway - be blessed. I know it's the most RANDOM post ever.